I am scientific software developer living in beautiful Boulder, Colorado USA. I am passionate about the application of computing technology to science and math. I am currently employed at the Unidata Program Center and have been part of the UCAR organization 1 since 1999 when I started here as a student. I specialize in scientific data, metadata, analysis and visualization using a variety of programming languages and technologies. I am also an emacs enthusiast.
Contact me for work related stuff at chastang at ucar dot edu and for personal stuff at julien.c.chastang at gmail.
The Unidata Program Center (UPC) is part of the UCAR Community Programs (UCP), which is part of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). The most well-known organization within UCAR is the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) partially located at the iconic Mesa Lab in Boulder. ↩︎